Property information, including civic addresses, assessment roll numbers, parcel identifier (PID) numbers, applicable zoning categories, etc., as well as other information, can be obtained through the iMap Geographic Information System at the following link: https://imaprdmw.imaptoo.ca/rdmw

Hyde Creek Tsunami Hazard Map 1:20,000

Hyde Creek

Hyde Creek

Hyde Creek is an unincorporated community in Electoral Area C and includes Nimpkish Heights.  Hyde Creek is located five km east of Port McNeill.

Community Specific Information for Hyde Creek & Nimpkish Heights

Includes information for staying healthy, where to access the most current official information, mental health & substance abuse services, public transportation, food security, community safety and accessing financial assistance.

*Hyde Creek Park Update

Hyde Creek Recreation Association has installed chains across the entrances to the park to keep the elk out. The park is open for use.

Please use park at your own risk. 

Hyde Creek Services

Hyde Creek Services

Street Lighting (Nimpkish Heights Only)

Nimpkish Heights Streetlight Overview Location Map      - Installed Port McNeill LED Streetlights Map

- Nimpkish Heights Streetlight Location Map 1               - Nimpkish Heights Streetlight Location Map 2

If a street light is burned out please contact the Regional District Reception at 250-956-3301.  For other information contact the Manager of Operations at 250-956-3301

Fire Protection in Hyde Creek, Nimpkish Heights, Springhill and the Twin Peaks Area

Hyde Creek Volunteer Fire Department

1101 Hyde Creek Road, Port McNeill, BC V0N 2R0

Phone 250-956-4731

For police, ambulance or fire department EMERGENCIES call 911

Emergency Vehicle Awareness click here

Hyde Creek Recreation Association

The Regional District established a Local Service for the purpose of providing funding to operate and repair community recreation buildings, facilities and grounds located in Hyde Creek.

The Hyde Creek Recreation Association looks after the community's ball field and newly renovated community hall, and sponsors a number of community recreation initiatives. For further information on recreation services in Hyde Creek, contact Bill Cessford at 250-956-4994.

*Hyde Creek Park Update:*

There are chains across the entrances to Hyde Creek Park to keep the elk out. The park is open for use.

Please use park at your own risk

Chilton Regional Arena (Port McNeill)

The Hyde Creek area is part Regional Arena Local Service which provides facilities for activities such as public skating and professional skating lessons, a skating carnival every two years and men's and ladies hockey tournaments. For further information on services at the Regional Arena, contact Shana Marshall at 250-956-3522.


Other information

Application to Connect to the Hyde Creek Sanitary Sewer System

Bylaw No. 761 Hyde Creek Sewer Service Boundary Map

Hyde Creek Regional Emergency Plan PDF Format

Hyde Creek Land Use Planning, Development and Building Information

Hyde Creek Land Use Planning, Development and Building Information

The community of Hyde Creek is subject to an Official Community Plan Bylaw (Bylaw No. 613, 2001) and a Zoning Bylaw (Bylaw No. 648, 2002).  The Official Community Plan includes objectives and policies to guide decisions related to planning and land use management for the community into the future.  The Zoning bylaw is intended to implement the objectives and policies of the Official Community Plan and prescribes detailed regulations related to land use, the siting, size and dimensions of buildings, minimum lot size for the purposes of subdivision, etc.  Please refer to the following links for more information:

Official Community Plan:

Hyde Creek Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 613, 2001

Hyde Creek Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 613, 2001 - Map No. 1

Zoning Bylaw:

Hyde Creek Zoning Bylaw No. 648, 2002 (Consolidated March 20th, 2018)

Hyde Creek Zoning Map Bylaw No. 648, 2002 - Zone Map No.1


Subdivision, Temporary Use Permit, Building Permit, and Site Permit:

Please visit our Planning Page under the "Regional Services" tab or click HERE

Hyde Creek Advisory Planning Commission

Hyde Creek Advisory Planning Commission

The Hyde Creek Advisory Planning Commission includes seven members that are appointed by the Regional Board to provide advice and recommendations regarding local planning issues.  The Commission meets at 7:00pm on the first Wednesday of the month when a planning related matter is referred for comments from the Regional Board.  The meetings are held at the Community Hall located behind the ball field on Hyde Creek Road. The public is welcome to attend.  Please note that the Commission does not meet when there are no planning matters referred to it from the Regional District.

Commission Members: Walter Eggenberger, Chair; Michael Green, Vice Chair; Sharon Barratt, Lynn Iskra, Guylaine Longpre, James McIntee, Pam McIntee, Secretary.

Hyde Creek Advisory Planning Commission Agendas and Minutes