There are a number of areas / unincorporated communities within the RDMW that are subject to their own Official Community Plan Bylaws and/or Zoning Bylaws and may also be subject to the requirement to obtain a Building Permit or Site Permit as a prelude to undertaking the construction of buildings and structures:
Alder Bay
Alder Bay is comprised of one property totalling 11.88 hectares (29.4 acres) which is operated as a campground, marina and boat launch (Alder Bay Resort). Alder Bay is subject to Regional District of Mount Waddington Alder Bay Resort Land Use Bylaw No. 491. The Land Use Bylaw prescribes detailed regulations related to land use, the siting, size and dimensions of buildings, minimum lot size for the purposes of subdivision, etc. Please refer to the following link for more information:
Regional District of Mount Waddington Alder Bay Resort Land Use Bylaw No. 491
While approval of a Building Permit is not required, the siting of buildings and structures must be undertaken in accordance with the BC Building Code and a Building Bylaw is in effect that requires a Site Permit be applied for and issued by the Regional District. The Site Permit process is designed to ensure that the siting of buildings and structures conforms to the requirements of the applicable zoning bylaw. Please refer to the following links for more information:
Building Bylaw No. 682, 2003 (Consolidated)
Application for Site Permit
Example Site Plan to Accompany Application for Building or Site Permit
Owners Acknowledgment of Responsibility - Site Permit
Coal Harbour
The community of Coal Harbour is subject to an Official Community Plan Bylaw (Bylaw No. 657, 2002) and a Zoning Bylaw (Bylaw No. 669, 2002). The Official Community Plan includes objectives and policies to guide decisions related to planning and land use management for the community into the future. The Zoning Bylaw is intended to implement the objectives and policies of the Official Community Plan and prescribes detailed regulations related to land use, the siting, size and dimensions of buildings, minimum lot size for the purposes of subdivision, etc. Please refer to the following links for more information:
Official Community Plan:
Coal Harbour Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 657, 2002
Coal Harbour Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 657, 2002 - Map No. 1
Zoning Bylaw:
Coal Harbour Zoning Bylaw No. 669, 2002
Coal Harbour Zoning Bylaw No. 669, 2002 - Zone Map No. 1
Building Bylaw:
The siting of buildings and structures in Coal Harbour must be undertaken in accordance with the BC Building Code, and a Building Bylaw is in effect that requires a Building Permit be applied for and issued by the Regional District. The Building Permit process is designed to ensure that the siting of buildings and structures conforms to the requirements of the BC Building Code and the applicable zoning bylaw. Please refer to the following links for more information:
Residential Building Permit Guide
Building Bylaw No. 682, 2003 (Consolidated)
Application for Building or Demolition Permit
Owners Acknowledgement of Responsibility Form - Building Permit
Example of Site Plan to Accompany Application for Building or Site Permit
Knotweed - Land Clearing and Construction
Hyde Creek
The community of Hyde Creek is subject to an Official Community Plan Bylaw (Bylaw No. 613, 2001) and a Zoning Bylaw (Bylaw No. 648, 2002). The Official Community Plan includes objectives and policies to guide decisions related to planning and land use management for the community into the future. The Zoning Bylaw is intended to implement the objectives and policies of the Official Community Plan and prescribes detailed regulations related to land use, the siting, size and dimensions of buildings, minimum lot size for the purposes of subdivision, etc. Please refer to the following links for more information:
Official Community Plan:
Hyde Creek Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 613, 2001 - Map No. 1
Zoning Bylaw:
Hyde Creek Zoning Bylaw No. 648, 2002 (Consolidated March 20, 2018)
Hyde Creek Zoning Bylaw No. 648, 2002 - Zone Map No. 1
Building Bylaw:
While approval of a Building Permit is not required, the siting of buildings and structures must be undertaken in accordance with the BC Building Code and a Building Bylaw is in effect that requires a Site Permit be applied for and issued by the Regional District. The Site Permit process is designed to ensure that the siting of buildings and structures conforms to the requirements of the applicable zoning bylaw. Please refer to the following links for more information:
Building Bylaw No. 682, 2003 (Consolidated)
Application for Site Permit
Example Site Plan to Accompany Application for Site Permit
Owners Acknowledgement of Responsibility - Site Permit
Malcolm Island / Sointula
Malcolm Island is subject to an Official Community Plan Bylaw (Bylaw No. 708, 2005) and a Zoning Bylaw (Bylaw No. 725, 2006). The Official Community Plan includes objectives and policies to guide decisions related to planning and land use management into the future. The Zoning Bylaw is intended to implement the objectives and policies of the Official Community Plan and prescribes detailed regulations related to land use, the siting, size and dimensions of buildings, minimum lot size for the purposes of subdivision, etc. Please refer to the following links for more information:
Official Community Plan:
Malcolm Island Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 708, 2005 (consolidated November 18, 2019)
Malcolm Island Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 708, 2005 - Schedule B1, Malcolm Island
Malcolm Island Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 708, 2005 - Schedule B, Sointula
Malcolm Island Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 708, 2005 - Schedule C, Foreshore Designations
Zoning Bylaw:
Malcolm Island Zoning Bylaw No. 725, 2006 (consolidated May 17, 2022)
Malcolm Island Zoning Bylaw No. 725, 2006 - Schedule A (Malcolm Island)
Malcolm Island Zoning Bylaw No. 725, 2006 - Schedule B (Sointula)
Building Bylaw:
While approval of a Building Permit is not required, the siting of buildings and structures must be undertaken in accordance with the BC Building Code and a Building Bylaw is in effect that requires a Site Permit be applied for and issued by the Regional District. The Site Permit process is designed to ensure that the siting of buildings and structures conforms to the requirements of the applicable zoning bylaw. Please refer to the following links for more information:
Building Bylaw No. 682, 2003 (Consolidated)
Application for Site Permit
Example Site Plan to Accompany Application for Building or Site Permit
Owners Acknowledgement of Responsibility Form - Site Permit
The community of Quatsino is subject to an Official Community Plan Bylaw (Bylaw No. 656, 2002) and a Zoning Bylaw (Bylaw No. 670, 2002). The Official Community Plan includes objectives and policies to guide decisions related to planning and land use management for the community into the future. The Zoning Bylaw is intended to implement the objectives and policies of the Official Community Plan and prescribes detailed regulations related to land use, the siting, size and dimensions of buildings, minimum lot size for the purposes of subdivision, etc. Please refer to the following links for more information:
Official Community Plan:
Quatsino Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 656, 2002
Map No. 1 of Quatsino Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 656, 2002
Zoning Bylaw:
Quatsino Zoning Bylaw No. 670, 2002
Zone Map No. 1 of Quatsino Zoning Bylaw No. 670, 2002
Building Bylaw:
While approval of a Building Permit is not required, the siting of buildings and structures must be undertaken in accordance with the BC Building Code and a Building Bylaw is in effect that requires a Site Permit be applied for and issued by the Regional District. The Site Permit process is designed to ensure that the siting of building and structures conforms to the requirements of the applicable zoning bylaw. Please refer to the following links for more information:
Building Bylaw No. 682, 2003 (Consolidated)
Application for Site Permit
Example Site Plan to Accompany Application for Building or Site Permit
Owners Acknowledgment of Responsibility - Site Permit
Telegraph Cove
Telegraph Cove is subject to Regional District of Mount Waddington Regional Plan Bylaw No. 890, 2015 and the majority of the Telegraph Cove area is subject to Telegraph Cove Holdings Ltd. Land Use Bylaw No. 497. The Land Use Bylaw prescribes detailed regulations related to land use, the siting, size and dimensions of buildings, minimum lot size for the purposes of subdivision, etc. Please refer to the following links for more information:
Telegraph Cove Holdings Ltd. Land Use Bylaw No. 497, 1999 Consolidated
Building Bylaw:
While approval of a Building Permit is not required, the siting of buildings and structures must be undertaken in accordance with the BC Building Code and a Building Bylaw is in effect that requires a Site Permit be applied for and issued by the Regional District. The Site Permit process is designed to ensure that the siting of buildings and structures conforms to the requirements of the applicable zoning bylaw. Please refer to the following links for more information:
Building Bylaw No. 682, 2003 (Consolidated)
Application for Site Permit
Example Site Plan to Accompany Application for Building or Site Permit
Owners Acknowledgment of Responsibility - Site Permit
Winter Harbour and Holberg
The community of Winter Harbour is subject to an Official Community Plan (Bylaw No. 371) and a Zoning Bylaw (RDMW Zoning Bylaw No. 21, 1972). The Official Community Plan includes objectives and policies to guide decisions related to planning and land use management for the community into the future. While Holberg does not have its own Official Community Plan, it is also subject to RDMW Zoning Bylaw No. 21. The Zoning Bylaw prescribes detailed regulations related to land use, the siting, size and dimensions of buildings, minimum lot size for the purposes of subdivision, etc. Please refer to the following links for more information:
Winter Harbour Official Community Plan:
Winter Harbour Community Plan Bylaw No. 371 (Consolidated September 19, 2017)
Winter Harbour Community Plan Land Use Map
Zoning Bylaw:
RDMW Zoning Bylaw No. 21, 1972 (Consolidated May 15, 2018)
Zoning Map No. 6 – Winter Harbour (Zoning Bylaw No. 21)
Zoning Map No. 8 – Holberg
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 641, 2001 (Amends Zoning Map No. 8 – Holberg)
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 671, 2002 (Amends Zoning Map No. 8 – Holberg)
Building Bylaw:
While approval of a Building Permit is not required, the siting of buildings and structures must be undertaken in accordance with the BC Building Code and a Building Bylaw is in effect that requires a Site Permit be applied for and issued by the Regional District. The Site Permit process is designed to ensure that the siting of buildings and structures conforms to the requirements of the applicable zoning bylaw. Please refer to the following links for more information:
Building Bylaw No. 682, 2003 (Consolidated)
Application for Site Permit
Example Site Plan to Accompany Application for Building or Site Permit
Owners Acknowledgment of Responsibility - Site Permit
The community of Woss is subject to an Official Community Plan Bylaw (Bylaw No. 555, 1999) and a Land Use Bylaw (Bylaw No. 556, 1999). The Official Community Plan includes objectives and policies to guide decisions related to planning and land use management for the community into the future. The Land Use Bylaw is intended to implement the objectives and policies of the Official Community Plan and prescribes detailed regulations related to land use, the siting, size and dimensions of buildings, minimum lot size for the purposes of subdivision, etc. Please refer to the following links for more information:
Official Community Plan:
Woss Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 555, 1999
Woss Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 555, Schedule A-1
Land Use Bylaw:
Woss Community Land Use Bylaw No. 556, 1999 Consolidated
Woss Community Land Use Bylaw No. 556, 1999, Schedule A-2
Building Bylaw:
While approval of a Building Permit is not required, the siting of buildings and structures must be undertaken in accordance with the BC Building Code and a Building Bylaw is in effect that requires a Site Permit be applied for and issued by the Regional District. The Site Permit process is designed to ensure that the siting of buildings and structures conforms to the requirements of the applicable zoning bylaw. Please refer to the following links for more information:
Building Bylaw No. 682, 2003 (Consolidated)
Application for Site Permit
Example Site Plan to Accompany Application for Site Permit
Owners Acknowledgement of Responsibility - Site Permit