
Regional Bylaws

Regional Bylaws

There are two key bylaws that affect either the entire or vast majority of the Regional District of Mount Waddington (RDMW).  Firstly, the entire RDMW is subject to the Regional Plan, a policy document that was adopted by the Board of Directors by Bylaw No. 890 which provides direction on a variety of matters that affect the RDMW.  Secondly, the vast majority of the RDMW (except for those areas and communities which have their own zoning bylaw: Alder Bay, Coal Harbour, Hyde Creek, Malcolm Island, Quatsino, Telegraph Cove and Woss) is subject to Zoning Bylaw No. 21 which provides detailed regulations pertaining to land use in the rural areas.

Regional District Mount Waddington Regional Plan Bylaw No. 890, 2015: The Regional Plan was adopted by the Regional Board on July 19, 2016 and is an umbrella policy document expressing a common land use vision and goals of the residents of the RDMW. It contains the RDMW’s policies on land use and development, regional and local services, economics, climate change adaptation, transportation, parks and recreation, and communication. The Regional Plan guides the RDMW’s review of development proposals on privately owned and Crown lands. The Regional Plan also describes the roles and relationships the RDMW has and will continue to support with the public, its unincorporated communities, municipalities, First Nations, provincial and federal agencies and other organizations related to the use and management of land and water resources and community development. It is important to note that the RDMW’s jurisdiction does not include the four municipalities and First Nation reserve lands. The vision for the Regional District, as stated in the Regional Plan:

The Regional District of Mount Waddington will continue to be economically oriented to resource use and extraction, with increasing emphasis in managing resources for long-term ecological, economic and social sustainability. New opportunities in tourism, services and small business will help diversify the economy. It is anticipated that there will be limited growth in population and most new housing and related community services will be located in the various municipalities and rural settlement areas of the RDMW.

 Strategic goals include:

- To encourage development that supports economic stability, social well-being and over the longer term, improved economic growth.

- To encourage the ecologically sound use of  land and water and the resources which they provide/support.

- To support development that can be serviced within the capacity of existing RDMW services, through privately funded expansion of existing RDMW services, or through privately developed, owned and maintained service systems.

- To support development of efficient and effective transportation and communication services that provide long term and efficient linkages within the RDMW and beyond.

Regional District of Mount Waddington Zoning Bylaw No. 21, 1972 (Consolidated February 18, 2020) prescribes detailed regulations related to land use, the siting, size and dimensions of buildings, minimum lot size for the purposes of subdivision, etc.

While there is no Building Bylaw in effect outside of the communities of Coal Harbour, Hyde Creek, Malcolm Island and Woss, that requires a Building Permit or Site Permit to be applied for and issued for new construction, all construction must meet the requirements of the BC Building Code. As part of the planning for new construction, the placement of buildings and structures must comply with the regulations of the applicable zoning bylaw. The zoning bylaws that are applicable to specific areas are identified below under Unincorporated Communities, otherwise Zoning Bylaw No. 21 applies. Other matters to note include:

- Construction of new dwellings may need to meet certain requirements administered by Licensing & Consumer Services (formerly the Homeowner Protection Office Branch of BC Housing).  Email:    Phone:  604-646-7050

- Most areas of the RDMW are not served by community water or sewer systems and private onsite systems are required to be constructed in order to service development. Information regarding legislative requirements can be obtained by contacting the Environmental Health Officer with Island Health located in the Port Hardy Health Centre at 7070 Market Street, Port Hardy, or by telephone and email (250-902-6078 or 250-902-6089 /

- Electrical and gas work may require a permit from the Technical Safety BC and you are advised to check with the TSBC in this regard (Tel: 1-866-566-7233 Web: