The community of Winter Harbour is subject to an Official Community Plan (Bylaw No. 371) and a Zoning Bylaw (RDMW Zoning Bylaw No. 21, 1972). The Official Community Plan includes objectives and policies to guide decisions related to planning and land use management for the community into the future.
While Holberg does not have its own Official Community Plan, it is also subject to RDMW Zoning Bylaw No. 21. The Zoning Bylaw prescribes detailed regulations related to land use, the siting, size and dimensions of buildings, minimum lot size for the purposes of subdivision, etc. Please refer to the following links for more information:
Winter Harbour Official Community Plan:
Winter Harbour Community Plan Bylaw No. 371 (Consolidated September 19, 2017)
Winter Harbour Community Plan Land Use Map
Zoning Bylaw:
RDMW Zoning Bylaw No. 21, 1972 (Consolidated February 18, 2020)
Zoning Map No. 6 – Winter Harbour (Zoning Bylaw No. 21)
Zoning Map No. 8 – Holberg
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 641, 2001 (Amends Zoning Map No. 8 – Holberg)
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 671, 2002 (Amends Zoning Map No. 8 – Holberg)
Subdivision, Temporary Use Permit, Building Permit, and Site Permit:
Please visit our Planning Page under the "Regional Services" tab or click HERE